Early works are the construction activities such as demolition, road works and upgrades to services like gas, electricity and stormwater to help prepare the site for construction.

Package 1 of early works for the Liverpool Hospital redevelopment was delivered by contractor, Roberts Co. The works in this package included:

  • upgrades to ground services such as gas, electricity, sewer and stormwater in Campbell Street, Goulburn Street, Forbes Street and Elizabeth Street
  • construction of new roads on the eastern side of the hospital campus
  • demolition of the former ambulance station at 43 Forbes Street
  • demolition of the Ron Dunbier building on Burnside Drive.

Works to prepare the site on campus and along surrounding streets, with stormwater, sewer and service upgrade activities were completed in late August 2020. 

Temporary impacts on Campbell, Goulburn and Elizabeth Streets included:

  • street parking restrictions
  • pedestrian route changes due to footpath works
  • temporary relocation of pedestrian crossing on Goulburn Street.

Detours and traffic control were in place to support pedestrian and vehicle traffic flow in the area while these important works progress.  Disruptions will continue across the hospital campus until project completion in 2026, we’ll aim to provide ample notice of works to help reduce the impact on patients, visitors and staff.

Early Works Package 2 commenced in May 2020 and continued into 2021.


icle and pedestrian accessise and vibration

Restricted access to the campus traffic bridge.

Please follow all signage and directions for your safety, and allow extra time in case of delays.